No more sorrys because there are too much that i think readers have fed up with them.
I had gone through a very rich semester, not in term of money but in term of knowledge. I feel contented though not much outings. Now, i am back in my hometown where i was born and grown up. Honestly, i still have no idea what should i do for this hyper-long holiday, but part time jobs for sure, if there is any. I miss one for RM240 for 3 days, but i think it's worth to miss it rather than miss spending quality time with my boyfriend and his family.
In hometown, what i spend time thinking about is what should i eat later. There is always later. Breakfast, lunch, tea time, dinner and supper. Of course, i dont really have 5 meals every single day. The weighing machine will be broken standing my weight.
Finally, i had my hair cut after 9 months. My fringe went long until my chin. My hair is now somewhere a little down than my shoulders and it's very thin. Also, about my fringe, short and cute. I'm now looking young. HAHA!
Stay tune until the next post!